Basic: Deep learning with PyTorch#

If you followed through the guide, you may have noticed that bioimageloader has many classes whose interfaces are similar to those of PyTorch, a popular python library for deep learning. It is true that bioimageloader followed the design of PyTorch’s data module, and especially so for bioimageloader.ConcatDataset and bioimageloader.BatchDataloader. The benefit is that all bioimageloader datasets are compatible with PyTorch.

For example, you can replace bioimageloader.BatchDataloader with its equivalent DataLoader from PyTorch, while keeping the same transformation API from albumentations. In fact, albumentations is a part of the PyTorch ecosystem

Note that you may want to convert image arrays to Tensor which PyTorch can handle, using ToTensorV2 from albumentations library. Find a full example guide here.

 1import albumentations as A
 2from albumentations.pytorch import ToTensorV2  # PyTorch helper
 3from bioimageloader.collections import DSB2018
 4from import DataLoader  # PyTorch
 6transforms_totensor = A.Compose([
 7    A.RandomCrop(width=256, height=256),
 8    A.HorizontalFlip(p=0.5),
 9    A.RandomBrightnessContrast(p=0.2),
10    ToTensorV2(),  # convert numpy ndarray to torch Tensor
12# construct dset with transforms
13dsb2018 = DSB2018('./data/DSB2018', transforms=transforms_totensor)
14batch_loader = Dataloader(dsb2018,
15                          batch_size=16,
16                          drop_last=True,
17                          num_workers=8)
18# iterate transformed images
19data: dict[str, numpy.ndarray]
20for data in dsb2018:
21    image = data['image']  # torch.Tensor, (b, c, h, w)
22    mask = data['mask']  # torch.Tensor, (b, h, w)
23    # these assertions will not throw AssertionError
24    assert image.shape[0] == 16 and mask.shape[0] == 16
25    assert image.shape[1] == 3  # notice Tensor convention shape (b, c, h, w)
26    assert image.shape[2] == 256 and image.shape[3] == 256
27    assert mask.shape[1] == 256 and mask.shape[2] == 256
28    do_something(image, mask)