Source code for bioimageloader.collections._bbbc018

from functools import cached_property, partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import albumentations
import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from skimage.util import img_as_float32

from ..base import MaskDataset
from ..types import BundledPath
from ..utils import bundle_list, stack_channels, stack_channels_to_rgb

[docs]class BBBC018(MaskDataset): """Human HT29 colon-cancer cells (diverse phenotypes) The image set consists of 56 fields of view (4 from each of 14 samples). Because there are three channels, there are 168 image files. (The samples were stained with Hoechst 33342, pH3, and phalloidin. Hoechst 33342 is a DNA stain that labels the nucleus. Phospho-histone H3 indicates mitosis. Phalloidin labels actin, which is present in the cytoplasm.) The samples are the top-scoring sample from each of Jones et al.'s classifiers, as listed in the file in their supplement. The files are in DIB format, as produced by the Cellomics ArrayScan instrument at the Whitehead–MIT Bioimaging Center. We recommend using Bio-Formats to read the DIB files. Each image is 512 x 512 pixels. The filenames are of the form wellidx-channel.DIB, where wellidx is the five-digit well index (from Jones et al.'s supplement) and channel is either DNA, actin, or pH3, depending on the channel. Parameters ---------- root_dir : str Path to root directory output : {'both', 'image', 'mask'}, default: 'both' Change outputs. 'both' returns {'image': image, 'mask': mask}. transforms : albumentations.Compose, optional An instance of Compose (albumentations pkg) that defines augmentation in sequence. num_samples : int, optional Useful when ``transforms`` is set. Define the total length of the dataset. If it is set, it overwrites ``__len__``. grayscale : bool, default: False Convert images to grayscale grayscale_mode : {'equal', 'cv2', Sequence[float]}, default: 'equal' How to convert to grayscale. If set to 'cv2', it follows opencv implementation. Else if set to 'equal', it sums up values along channel axis, then divides it by the number of expected channels. image_ch : {'DNA', 'actin', 'pH3'}, default: ('DNA', 'actin', 'pH3') Which channel(s) to load as image. Make sure to give it as a Sequence when choose a single channel. anno_ch : {'DNA', 'actin'}, default: ('DNA',) Which channel(s) to load as annotation. Make sure to give it as a Sequence when choose a single channel. drop_missing_pairs : bool, default: True Valid only if `output='both'`. It will drop images that do not have mask pairs. Other Parameters ---------------- image_ch : {'DNA', 'actin'}, default: ('DNA', 'actin') Which channel(s) to load as image. Make sure to give it as a Sequence when choose a single channel. Warnings -------- BBBC018_v1_images/10779 annotation is missing. len(anno_dict) = len(file_list) - 1; ind={26} - PosixPath('BBBC018_v1_images/10779-DNA.DIB') - PosixPath('BBBC018_v1_images/10779-actin.DIB') - PosixPath('BBBC018_v1_images/10779-pH3.DIB') This one is not properly saved after annotation. It has annotation overlaid on top to image. Need to filter ``mask==255`. - 'BBBC018_v1_outlines/17675-nuclei.png' Notes ----- - Every DIB has 3 channels (Order = (DNA,actin,pH3)). The second one is the object. - DNA -> Nuceli - Actin -> Cell - Annotation is outline one, but every anno is closed so binary_fill_holes works fine - For some reason annotation is y inverted References ---------- .. [1] See Also -------- MaskDataset : Super class Dataset : Base class DatasetInterface : Interface """ # Dataset's acronym acronym = 'BBBC018' def __init__( self, root_dir: str, *, output: str = 'both', transforms: Optional[albumentations.Compose] = None, num_samples: Optional[int] = None, grayscale: bool = False, grayscale_mode: Union[str, Sequence[float]] = 'equal', # specific to this dataset image_ch: Sequence[str] = ('DNA', 'actin', 'pH3'), anno_ch: Sequence[str] = ('DNA',), drop_missing_pairs: bool = True, **kwargs ): self._root_dir = root_dir self._output = output self._transforms = transforms self._num_samples = num_samples self._grayscale = grayscale self._grayscale_mode = grayscale_mode self.image_ch = image_ch self.anno_ch = anno_ch self.drop_missing_pairs = drop_missing_pairs if self.output == 'both' and self.drop_missing_pairs: self.file_list, self.anno_dict = self._drop_missing_pairs() @staticmethod def _imread_handler(p: Path) -> np.ndarray: img = return np.asarray(img)[..., 1]
[docs] def get_image(self, p: Union[Path, BundledPath]) -> np.ndarray: # Second channel has objects # Order = (DNA,actin,pH3) if isinstance(p, Path): img = self._imread_handler(p) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) return img_as_float32(img) else: # order = { # 'DNA': 2, # 'actin': 0, # 'pH3': 1, # } if len(ch := self.image_ch) == 3: img = stack_channels_to_rgb(self._imread_handler, p, 2, 0, 1) else: raise NotImplementedError return img_as_float32(img)
[docs] def get_mask(self, p: Union[Path, BundledPath]) -> np.ndarray: if isinstance(p, Path): mask = np.asarray( if == '17675-nuclei.png': # 'BBBC018_v1_outlines/17675-nuclei.png' See Notes mask = mask == 255 else: mask = stack_channels(, p) if mask.dtype == 'bool': mask = 255 * mask.astype(np.uint8) # For some reason mask is -y return np.ascontiguousarray(mask[::-1, ...])
@cached_property def file_list(self) -> Union[List[Path], List[BundledPath]]: root_dir = self.root_dir parent = 'BBBC018_v1_images' # Order = (DNA,actin,pH3) if len(ch := self.image_ch) == 3: _file_list = sorted(root_dir.glob(f'{parent}/*.DIB')) return bundle_list(_file_list, 3) elif len(ch) == 2: raise NotImplementedError elif len(ch) == 1: file_list = sorted((root_dir / parent).glob(f'*-{ch[0]}.DIB')) else: raise ValueError("Set `image_ch` in ('DNA', 'actin', 'pH3')") return file_list @cached_property def anno_dict(self) -> Union[Dict[int, Path], Dict[int, BundledPath]]: root_dir = self.root_dir parent = 'BBBC018_v1_outlines' # _anno_list = sorted(root_dir.glob(f'{parent}/*.png')) stain_to_target = {'DNA': 'nuclei', 'actin': 'cells'} if len(ch := self.anno_ch) == 1: anno_dict: Dict[int, Path] = {} target = stain_to_target[ch[0]] for i, p in enumerate(self.file_list): name = p[0].stem.split('-')[0] if isinstance(p, list) else p.stem.split('-')[0] fn = root_dir / parent / f'{name}-{target}.png' if fn.exists(): anno_dict[i] = fn return anno_dict elif len(ch) == 2: anno_bdict: Dict[int, BundledPath] = {} for i, p in enumerate(self.file_list): name = p[0].stem.split('-')[0] if isinstance(p, list) else p.stem.split('-')[0] # name = p[0].stem.split('-')[0] lst_fn = [] for c in ch: target = stain_to_target[c] fn = root_dir / parent / f'{name}-{target}.png' if fn.exists(): lst_fn.append(fn) if lst_fn: anno_bdict[i] = lst_fn else: raise ValueError return anno_bdict