import os.path
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
import albumentations
import cv2
import numpy as np
import tifffile
from skimage.util import img_as_float32
from ..base import MaskDataset
[docs]class FRUNet(MaskDataset):
"""FRU-Net: Robust Segmentation of Small Extracellular Vesicles [1]_
TEM images
root_dir : str
Path to root directory
output : {'both', 'image', 'mask'}, default: 'both'
Change outputs. 'both' returns {'image': image, 'mask': mask}.
transforms : albumentations.Compose, optional
An instance of Compose (albumentations pkg) that defines augmentation in
num_samples : int, optional
Useful when ``transforms`` is set. Define the total length of the
dataset. If it is set, it overwrites ``__len__``.
normalize : bool, default: True
Normalize each image by its maximum value and cast it to UINT8.
- Originally, dtype is UINT16
- Max value is 20444, but contrast varies a lot. For example, some images
have value less than 0.05 of 2^16, which makes images not visible.
Normalization may be needed. Init param ``normalize`` is set to True by
default for this reason. For each image, it calculates maximum value and
divide by it.
.. [1] E. Gómez-de-Mariscal, M. Maška, A. Kotrbová, V. Pospíchalová, P.
Matula, and A. Muñoz-Barrutia, “Deep-Learning-Based Segmentation of Small
Extracellular Vesicles in Transmission Electron Microscopy Images,”
Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 1, Art. no. 1, Sep. 2019, doi:
See Also
MaskDataset : Super class
Dataset : Base class
DatasetInterface : Interface
# Dataset's acronym
acronym = 'FRUNet'
def __init__(
root_dir: str,
output: str = 'both',
transforms: Optional[albumentations.Compose] = None,
num_samples: Optional[int] = None,
# specific to this dataset
normalize: bool = True,
self._root_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'code', 'data')
self._output = output
self._transforms = transforms
self._num_samples = num_samples
# specific to this dataset
self.normalize = normalize
[docs] def get_image(self, p: Path) -> np.ndarray:
tif = tifffile.imread(p)
if self.normalize:
v = tif.max()
tif = tif / np.float32(v)
tif = cv2.cvtColor(tif, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
return tif
return img_as_float32(tif)
[docs] def get_mask(self, p: Path) -> np.ndarray:
mask = tifffile.imread(p)
return mask.astype(np.int16)
def file_list(self) -> List[Path]:
root_dir = self.root_dir
file_list = sorted(root_dir.glob('dataset_*/*.tif'))
return file_list
def anno_dict(self) -> Dict[int, Path]:
root_dir = self.root_dir
anno_list = sorted(root_dir.glob('annotations_*/*.tif'))
anno_dict = dict((k, v) for k, v in enumerate(anno_list))
return anno_dict